My research is in commutative algebra, with a focus on its homological aspects. I have a particular interest in studying properties of commutative rings using theories of cohomological support and structures on resolutions, while drawing on ideas from a variety of other areas such as homotopy theory and representation theory.
Below are preprints submitted for publication:
Classifying thick subcategories over a Koszul complex via the curved BGG correspondence with Jian Liu (arXiv version)
Lower bounds on Loewy lengths of modules of finite projective dimension with Nawaj KC (arXiv version)
High Frobenius pushforwards generate the bounded derived category with Matthew Ballard, Srikanth Iyengar, Patrick Lank, and Alapan Mukhopadhyay (arXiv version)
Below are my published articles:
Resolutions of differential operators of low order for an isolated hypersurface singularity with Rachel Diethorn, Jack Jeffries, Claudia Miller, Nick Packauskas, Hamid Rahmati, and Sophia Vassiliadou
Michigan Mathematical Journal (to appear): arXiv version
Koszul homomorphisms and universal resolutions in local algebra with Ben Briggs, James Cameron, and Janina Letz
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma (2025): arXiv version, journal version
Relations on Poincaré series for quasi-complete intersection homomorphisms with Liana M Şega
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (2025): arXiv version, journal version
Bounds on cohomological support varieties with Ben Briggs and Eloísa Grifo
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B (2024): arXiv version, journal version
Cohomological jump loci and duality in local algebra with Ben Briggs and Daniel McCormick
Mathematische Zeitschrift (2023): arXiv version, journal version
The homotopy Lie algebra of a Tor-independent tensor product with Luigi Ferraro, Mohsen Gheibi, Dave Jorgensen and Nicholas Packauskas
Illinois Journal of Mathematics (2023): arXiv version, journal versionA comparison of dg algebra resolutions with prime residual characteristic with Michael DeBellevue
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (2023): arXiv version, journal versionA partial converse ghost lemma for the derived category of a commutative noetherian ring with Jian Liu
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (2023): arXiv version, journal version
Exceptional complete intersection maps of local rings with Srikanth Iyengar, Janina Letz, and Jian Liu
Pacific Journal of Mathematics (2022): arXiv version, journal version
Locally complete intersection maps and the proxy small property with Ben Briggs, Srikanth Iyengar, and Janina Letz
International Mathematics Research Notices IMRN (2022): arXiv version, journal versionConstructing non-proxy small test modules for the complete intersection property with Ben Briggs and Eloísa Grifo
Nagoya Mathematical Journal (2022): arXiv version, journal versionCohomological supports of tensor products of modules over commutative rings with Srikanth Iyengar and William Sanders
Research in the Mathematical Sciences (2022): arXiv version, journal versionSupport varieties over skew complete intersections via derived braided Hochschild cohomology with Luigi Ferraro and W. Frank Moore
Journal of Algebra (2022): arXiv version, journal versionCohomological supports over derived complete intersections and local rings
Mathematische Zeitschrift (2021): arXiv version, journal versionDuality and symmetry of complexity over complete intersections via exterior homology with Jian Liu
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (2021): arXiv version, journal versionEquivariant isomorphisms of Ext and Tor modules
Journal of Algebra (2020): arXiv version, journal versionThe derived category of a locally complete intersection ring
Advances in Mathematics (2019): arXiv version, journal version
Below is my PhD thesis: (Advisors: Lucho Avramov and Mark Walker)
Thesis (2019), Digital Commons PDF
I am a coauthor of the ThickSubcategories package for Macaulay2 with Eloísa Grifo and Janina Letz. (Note: This is still under construction but available for use, click the first link.)