Algebra Seminar Archive

Schedule of Talks Fall 2024:

In this talk, we discuss preliminary results classifying a specific family of neural codes known as Inductively Pierced Codes. Our work utilizes results on the Betti numbers of monomial ideals and fiber products. This is joint work with Rebecca R.G. and Nora Youngs.

Schedule of Talks Spring 2024:

A homomorphism f of commutative local rings, say S to R, has a derived fibre F (a differential graded algebra over the residue field k of R) and we say that f is Koszul if F is formal and its homology H(F) (the Tor algebra of R and k over S) is a Koszul algebra in the classical sense. I’ll explain why this is a very good definition and how it is satisfied by many many examples. The main application is the construction of explicit free resolutions over R in the presence of a Koszul homomorphism. This construction simultaneously generalises the resolutions of Priddy over a Koszul algebra, the resolutions of Shamash and Eisenbud over a complete intersection ring, and the bar resolutions of Iyengar and Burke over a Golod ring.

If you think you’ve seen similar talks before - don’t be fooled. I’ll try to give a different perspective this time.

Schedule of Talks Fall 2023: